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Pores & Pigmentation

At Cambridge, we have different treatment protocols and laser machines for different types of epidermal & dermal pigmentation & redness treatments.

Types of pigmentation include:

  • PIH (Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation)
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma
  • Sunspots
  • Age spots
  • Freckles

Types of skin redness

  • Rosacea
  • Melasma
  • Spider veins

PicoCare 450 Laser Pigmentation Removal

The Pico Laser using PicoCare 450 is one of the fastest lasers in the industry. Its speed combined with its accuracy allows us to deliver a highly efficient treatment. The 4-picosecond wavelength shatters the pigment with the utmost precision while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue making it one of the safest and most painless procedures up to date.

Read More about PicoCare 450 Laser Pigmentation Removal

Pro Yellow Laser Melasma Treatment

Melasma is thought of as one of the most difficult types of pigmentation and said to be ‘pointless’ to treat. In Cambridge, we have the Quadrostar Pro Yellow Laser in our arsenal. It has a very specific wavelength (577nm) that targets both blood vessels and pigmentation. Compared to older lasers with wavelengths thought to end up triggering hyper-pigmentation, our laser eliminates that concern completely.

This versatile tool can be used to treat Melasma, Rosacea, Spider Veins, Pigmentation etc. and is safe and almost painless.

understand how Pro Yellow Laser Melasma Treatment works

Pro Yellow Laser Melasma Treatment, one of the more common types of pigmentation

Pro Yellow Laser Rosacea Treatment

The Quadrostar Pro Yellow Laser is a German-manufactured laser. It’s an improved version of the commonly used Dual Yellow/Combination laser that is very commonly used amongst aesthetic doctors. The Quadrostar Pro Yellow Laser has a specific wavelength (577nm) which makes it particularly useful for vascular remedies such as rosacea treatment.

The yellow wavelength is absorbed at a higher rate by the red blood cell effectively shrinking the blood vessels all while leaving capillaries unharmed. This drastically reduces redness leaving the patient with a significantly smoother complexion.

Read More about Pro Yellow Laser Rosacea Treatment

Pro Yellow Spider Veins Treatment

Spider Veins usually manifest tiny, broken or dilated blood vessels that appear close to the surface of the skin around the face. This can be easily treated with the Quadrostar Pro Yellow Laser and its highly specific wavelength (577nm) well suited for vascular and epidermal pigmentation treatment.

The yellow wavelength is absorbed at a higher rate by the red blood cell effectively shrinking the blood vessels all while leaving capillaries unharmed. This results in the swift and efficient reduction of unsightly spider veins on the skin.

understand how Pro Yellow Spider Veins Treatment works

Dr Shirley Kwee



321 Orchard Road #07-04/07
Orchard Shopping Centre
Singapore 238866

Operating Hours

Mon to Fri: 10am - 7.30pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm
Sun & PH: Closed

Dr Lee Mun Heng

Ngee Ann City


391B Orchard Road #08-05A1
Ngee Ann City Tower B
Singapore 238874

Operating Hours

Mon to Wed, and Fri: 10am - 7pm
Thurs: 10am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm
Sun & PH: Closed

How can we help you?

We strive to help our patients look and feel their best.
Visit us for a detailed consultation and customised treatment plan tailored to your needs and concerns.
Contact us



Cambridge @ Ngee Ann City

391B Orchard Road, #08-05A1
Tower B, Ngee Ann City
Singapore 238874

Mon to Fri 10am – 7:30pm
Sat 10am – 3pm
Sun and PH Closed

Cambridge @ Somerset

321 Orchard Road #07-07
Orchard Shopping Centre
Singapore 238866

Mon to Fri 10am – 7:30pm
Sat 10am – 3pm
Sun and PH Closed

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