Somerset 321 Orchard Road #07-07 | WHATSAPP (65) 8011 1811 | Ngee Ann City Tower B #08-05A | WHATSAPP (65) 8712 0888

Close up of woman face

EnerJet™ Kinetic Jet Face Lift


Video, Before and After photos are available in clinic.

Needleless Facelift in Singapore

Cambridge’s Kinetic AIRJET Facelift Treatment

Our Needleless Facelift Treatment is a new, minimally invasive full facelift procedure. It is one of the few in Singapore that uses Kinetic Energy to tighten and rejuvenate the face, helping to improve facial skin laxity and elasticity through a mini facelift.

This type of facelift does not use any thermal heat and targets below the SMAS layer to achieve facial rejuvenation, tighten excess skin and reverse the ageing process. One of the main reasons people perform facelifts is to reduce wrinkles. As the effectiveness of wrinkle removal in Singapore differs based on the individual, it is difficult to find a solution that suits everyone. However, how the treatment works makes it effective at removing wrinkles and eradicating fine lines.

How Kinetic Jet lift works, a face lift treatment procedure in Singapore

The facelift treatment works like a jet energy bullet, using the technique of subcision, to remodel collagen and increase the dermis layer.

There is no direct contact, needles, or surgery. During facelifting, a dispersion effect delivers energy directly to the target tissue. and no surgery. During the facelifting process, energy is delivered directly to the target tissue using a dispersion effect.

What can this treatment do?

  • Non-surgical face tightening
  • Long lasting Facelift
  • Anti-ageing of neck and hands
  • Effective wrinkle removal and wrinkle reduction
  • Acne scars of the following types: Ice pick, Boxcar, Rolling, Hypertrophic

Who is suitable for this treatment?

This treatment is performed as a medical-grade treatment. As such, patients are highly recommended to book an initial consultation with the doctor to gauge the effectiveness of the treatment and expected results. Depending on your diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the most suitable facelift treatment for you in Singapore. Cambridge’s AIRJET Facelift requires no surgical procedures to achieve the effects of facelifts. Typically, best results are seen in patients with the following profile(s):

  • Young patients (mid-20s to 40s)
  • Patients with thin skin
  • Patients with soft skin

Dr Shirley Kwee



321 Orchard Road #07-04/07
Orchard Shopping Centre
Singapore 238866

Operating Hours

Mon to Fri: 10am - 7.30pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm
Sun & PH: Closed

Dr Lee Mun Heng

Ngee Ann City


391B Orchard Road #08-05A1
Ngee Ann City Tower B
Singapore 238874

Operating Hours

Mon to Wed, and Fri: 10am - 7pm
Thurs: 10am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm
Sun & PH: Closed

How can we help you?

We strive to help our patients look and feel their best.
Visit us for a detailed consultation and customised treatment plan tailored to your needs and concerns.
Contact us



Cambridge @ Ngee Ann City

391B Orchard Road, #08-05A1
Tower B, Ngee Ann City
Singapore 238874

Mon to Fri 10am – 7:30pm
Sat 10am – 3pm
Sun and PH Closed

Cambridge @ Somerset

321 Orchard Road #07-07
Orchard Shopping Centre
Singapore 238866

Mon to Fri 10am – 7:30pm
Sat 10am – 3pm
Sun and PH Closed

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