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Plexr® Plasma Eye Lift

Plexr® Plasma Eye Lift


Plexr® Plasma Eye Lift

Plexr® Plasma Eye Lift

Plexr Plasma EyeLIFT (Singapore eyelid treatment)

Plexr Plasma EyeLIFT is an eyelift and eyelid treatment technique developed jointly through an Italian-Korean collaboration, that helps patients to lift and rejuvenate sagging skin and uneven folds around the double eyelid. The procedure is not surgical and only requires topical numbing cream to lift the eyelids, and therefore it is a relatively painless and fuss-free eyelifting process. The Plasma Applicator is used to design the eyelift and will leave tiny micro scabs that fall off in a few days.

Who is the eyelid treatment suitable for?

It is suitable for those with excess skin on the eyelids giving them a tired and aged look, but want to avoid surgical eyelid treatments in Singapore or a blepharoplasty procedure.

Why Plexr EyeLIFT?

1. Plexr Plasma is dynamic – meaning that it allows the doctor to ask the patient to open and close their eyes during eyelid treatment and eyelifting process, thus clearly showing which folds of the skin are still to be treated.

2. It is also non-ablative as it is performed without an incision, without cutting, without removing fat and without altering the orbicularis muscle in the eyelids.

3. Plexr Plasma can help to tighten excess skin without a scalpel and with no surgery, which can result in an overall better eyelift experience.

4. It is also possible to modify the eye crease and eye shape and create improvements in the eye and eyelids' appearance.

5. It can also correct asymmetry in the eye crease.

The Plexr Eyelift Eyelid Treatment Process

The Plexr Eyelift Eyelid Treatment Process

Plasma is actually the fourth state of matter, the other states being solid, liquid and gas. Plexr Plasma uses the ionization of gases in the air forming plasma. The plasma created forms a small electric arc that can treat skin surrounding the eye area without spreading unwanted heat to the surrounding skin, thus minimizing collateral skin damage.

It is suitable for use on all skin types.

Enquire here for more details on how this eyelift can help you fix droopy eyelids and be used for other forms of eyelid treatments.

Dr Shirley Kwee



321 Orchard Road #07-04/07
Orchard Shopping Centre
Singapore 238866

Operating Hours

Mon to Fri: 10am - 7.30pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm
Sun & PH: Closed

Dr Lee Mun Heng

Ngee Ann City


391B Orchard Road #08-05A1
Ngee Ann City Tower B
Singapore 238874

Operating Hours

Mon to Wed, and Fri: 10am - 7pm
Thurs: 10am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm
Sun & PH: Closed

How can we help you?

We strive to help our patients look and feel their best.
Visit us for a detailed consultation and customised treatment plan tailored to your needs and concerns.
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Cambridge @ Somerset

321 Orchard Road #07-07
Orchard Shopping Centre
Singapore 238866

Mon to Fri 10am – 7:30pm
Sat 10am – 3pm
Sun and PH Closed

Cambridge @ Ngee Ann City

391B Orchard Road, #08-05A1
Tower B, Ngee Ann City
Singapore 238874

Mon to Fri 10am – 7:30pm
Sat 10am – 3pm
Sun and PH Closed

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